David van der Spoel research group

The following people are in the group as of 2023-01-01

  • Prof. David van der Spoel (group leader)
  • Dr. Kristian Kříž (postdoc)
  • Dr. Atiyeh (Najla) Hosseini (postdoc)
  • Alfred T. Andersson (Ph.D. student)
  • Julian Marrades (software engineer)
  • Paul J. van Maaren (visiting scientist)

Previous graduate students

  1. Alexandra Patriksson (Ph. D. 2007) From Solution into Vacuum – Structural Transitions in Proteins
  2. Johan Raber (Ph. D. 2007) Quantum chemical studies of chemotherapeutic drug cisplatin : activation and binding to DNA
  3. Marvin Seibert (Ph. D. 2010) Protein Folding and DNA Origami
  4. Erik Marklund (Ph.D. 2011) Gas-Phase Protein Structure Under the Computational Microscope
  5. Daniel Larsson (Ph.D. 2012)  Exploring the Molecular Dynamics of Proteins and Viruses
  6. Tomas Ekeberg (Ph.D. 2012) Flash Diffractive Imaging in Three Dimensions
  7. Mohammad Mehdi Ghahremanpour (Ph.D. 2019) Alexandria: A General Drude Polarizable Force Field with Spherical Charge Density
  8. Zahedeh Bashardanesh, (Ph.D. 2019) Effect of Macromolecular Crowding on Diffusion Processes
  9. Sergio Manzetti (Ph.D. 2022) Computational Ecotoxicology

Other researchers

  • Dr. Jochen Hub (Ph.D.) Marie Curie postdoc on protein motions
  • Dr. Carl Caleman (Postdoc, Visiting Scientist) on computer simulations of water clusters
  • Dr. Marie-Madeleine Walz, postdoctoral researcher
  • Dr. Nina Fischer, Postdoc
  • Dr. Moreno Marcellini, Postdoc
  • Dr. Gadzikano Munyuki, Postdoc
  • Dr. Henning Henschel, Postdoctoral researcher
  • Dr. Natasha Kamerlin, Postdoc
  • Dr. Elias Silva dos Santos, Postdoc 
  • Dr. Ahmet Yilidirim, Postdoc,

  • Lina Amlinger, project student
  • Shima Araste (M.Sc.) on interactions of antibiotic peptides with membranes
  • Filipe Maia (M.Sc.) Solvent structure in protein crystals
  • Marcelo Depolo, project student
  • Jonas Ditz, project student
  • Daniel Dourado (M.Sc. student) hydrogen bonding analysis
  • Nicholas Giangreco, Visiting student from U.S.A.
  • Anders Gärdenäs, Programmer
  • Pär Henriksson, Web developer
  • Minyan Hong (M.Sc.) software development
  • Tang Jiaowei (M.Sc. student) simulations of Rubisco 
  • Adam Kirrander (M. Sc.) Loop modelling and distance geometry
  • Gisela Larsson (M. Sc.) Simulations of membrane proteins
  • Per Larsson (M. Sc.) on simulations of proteins 
  • Jingjing Li (M. Sc.) proteins in the gas phase
  • Michiel van Lun (M.Sc. student) on simulations of proteins folding
  • Laxmikanth Matcha, M. Sc. student working on RNA modeling in viruses
  • Leif Riemenschneider (M. Sc.) Force field development
  • Marijn Sanders (M. Sc.) hydrogen bonding in proteins
  • Björn Skarpås, project student
  • Jakob Steuer, project student
  • Badamkhatan Tuguldur, Ph.D. student visiting from Ulaan Baatar
  • Yugandhar Vanemreddy, project student
  • Yaofeng Wang (M. Sc.) proteins in the gas-phase
  • Christian Wennberg (M.Sc. student) on transport throug lipid membranes
  • Özge Yoluk(M. Sc. student) on proton hopping simulations 
  • Haiyang Zhang (Ph.D. student visiting from Beijing) 
  • Jin Zhang, visiting Ph.D. student
  • Alfred T. Andersson, project student
  • Andre Sihm, project student 
  • Sanjida Nasrin, project student